I am so excited about this opportunity. Forgive me for any errors that I might not catch as I am updating this blog and posting things. I never claimed to be an expert in the writing department. I imagine if you are reading this then you have committed to my challenge and are joining me on this exciting journey, which I am sure will prove to be pretty difficult as well as very rewarding. Please tell us about your progress, your frustrations and anything that you find that will benefit us in anyway.
During this challenge I plan to participate in a couple of half marathons in the area and would love to have anyone join me who might be interested. I mostly walk but hope by the end of the summer I will be jogging a lot more. If you are discouraged by the length of 13 miles try something like a 5k or 10k. Races are always fun to participate in and in most cases you get a cool shirt too.
Again thank you again for joining me. Let the party begin.....
I am excited to meet the participants and participate myself. Good luck, everyone!